Hindi alphabet
Hindi alphabet

Distinguish between “aspirated” and “unaspirated” consonants: Hindi consonants also fall into two basic subcategories, unaspirated and aspirated. Unvoiced consonants are pronounced without vibrating your vocal cords.Voiced consonants are pronounced by vibrating your vocal cords.Distinguish between “voiced” and “unvoiced” consonants: Hindi consonants have two basic different ways of pronouncing them: voiced and unvoiced. Glottal consonants, pronounced by using the glottis.

hindi alphabet

  • Sibilant consonants, pronounced by using the tip of the tongue to push air out in a hissing noise.
  • Labial consonants, pronounced by using the lips together.
  • Dental consonants, pronounced by touching the tip of your tongue behind the back of your upper front teeth.
  • Flap consonants, pronounced by “flapping” the tip of your tongue toward the roof of your mouth behind your upper front teeth.
  • Retroflex consonants, pronounced by curling the tongue backwards and touching the roof of your mouth just behind the gums.
  • Palatal consonants, pronounced by raising the front of the tongue just behind the gums.
  • Velar consonants, pronounced by using the back of the tongue at the roof of your mouth.
  • 3Velar consonants, pronounced by using the back of the tongue at the roof of your mouth:.
  • hindi alphabet

    Hindi uses more consonants than English does, and some of them have no direct equivalent in English. They are organized in the alphabet according to how you use your mouth and throat to pronounce them. Study the Hindi consonants: There are 33 consonants in Hindi. Study the Hindi vowels: Vowels in Hindi have two forms: one form for when they are used by themselves, and one form for when the vowel is joined to a consonant in a word. Mastering the Hindi alphabet, step by step: Devanagari has its origin in the Brahmi script. The better you pronounce a letter in a word, the more you will be understood while speaking in Hindi.īefore you start, you need to learn the Devanagari script – Modern Hindi is written in the Devanagari script, which is made of two Sanskrit words: Deva, meaning ‘God’ and Nagari, meaning ‘of urban origin’.

    #Hindi alphabet how to

    Without it, you will not be able to say words properly even if you know how to write those words. Learning the Hindi alphabet is very important because its structure is used in everyday conversation. Hindi will allow you to communicate with over 1 billion people on this planet and become immersed in a rich language and culture.

    hindi alphabet

    Hindi shares its roots with languages such as Sanskrit, Urdu, and Punjabi. Hindi is the first official language of India and is spoken across the Indian subcontinent.

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  • Hindi alphabet